Alley's Blog

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Alley is growing up

It has turned cold so Alley got a snow suit. She can barely move it and she looks pretty comical in it.

She also has grown up so fast and is starting to get into mischief. She climbed into Rumsfeld's bed one day and got his bone. She has taken to throwing things on the floor when she is done with them or doesn't want them - like her pacifier or food - expecting her lowly parents to pick it up for her.

She is all worth it though as she says MaMa a lot now and tries to say DaDa. She certainly mimics sounds and tries to repeat worlds like Duck and Ball.

She is also pulling herself up on things and the stairs - so we need to watch her more. She has already had a few bumps and a few tears.


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