Alley's Blog

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"I want to go to the Park"

It is a blessing and curse that we live right next to a Park. We must have a hundred pictures of Alley going down the slide. But we can never go wrong with the Park - she always enjoys herself.

Some other activities have been hit or miss. Rob bought Alley a kite and we went to fly it today. Alley was really excited about it at first - but then I think she realized that it is hard to fly a kite when you are this little and she wasn't just satisfied watching Dad - with her 2 year old "I do it" attitude. But the day wasn't lost - because we walked over to the playground and of course Alley went down the slides.
She also wasn't quite sure about the fireworks on the 4th of July. The city display is shot off in the park behind our house - so it can be quite loud. She found it a little scary - so she sat in side and looked at the pretty colors with her Dad.
She still loves going to the splashpad - running through all the fountains. She also went to Cedar Lake with Rob this past week.
This past week we have started a sticker reward system for her - to encourage her to go to bed. So far she is 6 out of 7 - which is great! She kept getting out of bed so many times that we had to do something- so she helped me decorate a calendar and she gets to pick out a sticker in the morning to put on it if she goes bed and stays in bed the night before. Let's hope she keeps it up.


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