Alley's Blog

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Having a snack with the dog

There isn't a lot of pictures from the last few weeks - as Alley has been under the weather with a cold, mostly coughing. Her Dad has had it too - so it has been low key around the Grommesh household.

Despite this she continues to grow. She pulls herself up easily now and likes to stand at the coffee table and share cheerios with the dog. (The dog was so excited about the food that he didn't mind getting his picture taken.) She pulls herself up in the crib at night and then wimpers because she can't figure out how to get down - until we rescue her.

She is still working on talking and surprised us a few weeks ago by saying "bubbles". Her favorite word seems to be "ball" which I guess she learned from daycare as they all sit around apparently and say "ball" all day to each other.

She recently had her Grandma and Grandpa Helen and Charlie for a visit. We are all looking forward to a long visit with all her grandparents and extended family and friends over Christmas. I am sure there will be lots of new toys and pictures of Alley.


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