Alley's Blog

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summer Fun

I certainly am having a few computer problems - so this post needed to be redone. But I believe I was commenting on how busy of a summer we have had. The top pictures are from a family reunion in Ortonville. Alley got overstimulated by her cousins (Virgil's grandchildren). She was so tired the next day that she bit a couple kids at daycare. At least that is what I am blaming it on. I can't believe I have a kid that bites - I am hoping it is just a phase!

We have been getting together for a lot of BBQ with our ECFE friends - which has been fun to have a little play date and a good meal once a week. Alley has also gone to the splashpad in St Louis Park a few times. As you can see - it is a place mostly for toddlers and young kids - where there are fountains that they can run through. I am surprised how assertive Alley is there and really loves it and seems oblivious to her parents when she is there. She most recently went with Alex on a date there while Rob and Bryant chaperoned. Apparently she was oblivious to Alex too - as he is not in these pictures.


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