Alley's Blog

Friday, September 29, 2006

Carrots aren't so good

Alley first taste of something other than cereal (besides the cake that her grandpa gave her once) - she wasn't thrilled with the taste.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Comic Relief

I took Alley to what I thought was going to be an informal work meeting on my day off on Monday - she was for the most part pretty good. The discussions got a little heated though and just at that time she started making rasberry noises (the spittle noises that babies make) - voicing her disproval of all the hot air in the room.

Alley also apparently picked up growling from her 1 1/2 year old cousin Mason. Not a very scary growl - but very cute.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Because Grandma and Grandpa were staying in a hotel for the baptism this weekend, Alley and her cousins had the opportunity to go swimming in a pool again. It was a good time enjoyed by all


This weekend surrounded by family and friends Alley was baptized. All of her uncles, aunts and grandparents were all present for the big day. It was a great celebration of family and Alley's introduction into the church.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Her first tastes

Mmm... rice cereal watered down with formula

Alley's first teeth

Smile Alley! At least get that pacifier out of your mouth.

She got her first teeth this weekend - two bottom teeth and she is pretty cranky because of it.

Labor Day 2006

Alley had a great labor day weekend in Ortonville at her Grandma E and Virgil's house. She played a lot with Grandma, she fed her a bottle and showed her how to crochet - which was fasicinating to Alley. Her cousin Ashley was a good babysitter and Rob had her all smiles playing in the living room.

Alley goes for a walk with Grandma Helen

Every once in a while I get to come and spend a day with Alley. We like to go for walks along the bike path that goes behind the house. We can see a lake with water lilies, a school play ground, a public play ground and lots of bikes and people walking or running. It was a bright sun shiney day and we both enjoyed it a lot. Grandma Helen