Alley's Blog

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Alley's Big News

The night of Alley's birthday, all her grandparents were there, she had just eaten her cake and got very dirty - so Rob gave her a bath. She then came down with her new T-shirt - I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER

Alley is expecting a little sister or brother around Sept. 11th. She seems pretty excited about it in this picture - but I don't think she understands what this all means yet.

Party Guests

A few of her friends that attended the party. Interestingly, they all seem to be boys :)

Alley's First Birthday

Alley had partied hard for her birthday. On Feb. 22nd (her actual birthday) she had cake and opened presents at home with her parents and all her grandparents. You can see from her video that she really liked the cake and was upset when it was taken away for a moment.

The next day at daycare Alley shared cupcakes with her friends there and had a little party.

On Sat. we had all her friends over and their parents for lunch and cake. She again enjoyed the cake and got pretty messy.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Alley's First Birthday Video

Monday, February 12, 2007

Alley warm and cozy

Alley had the shivers after her bath tonight, but she quickly warmed up in her robe and slippers that she got for Christmas.

She is always battling some bug, now it's pink eye. So her and Dad get to spend some quality time at home tomorrow.

She's comfortable standing with help, but doesn't seem real anxious to walk yet. She continues to try and speak though. She is always babbling and has at least repeated back a few new words - "more" - "please".

Monday, February 05, 2007

They are all mine

Alley has graduated from the little tub over the kitchen sink to the big bath tub. This allows her to play with all the ducks, etc. that we've collected over the years. (You can see the souvenir from New York - the Statue of Liberty Duck laying on it's side behind Alley) She gets pretty excited about all these toys and yells so she can hear her voice echo in the bath tub.

She had a lot of opportunities to play in the bath tub this week. She's been fighting an ear infection and the unfortunate side effects of antibiotics - many changes of clothes and plenty of bath time.