Alley's Blog

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Winter returns

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Alley has been learning about our solar systems planets in school. She loves it! She finds videos on line to learn more - did you know Saturn has Shepard moons to keep the rings together? And she has a theory about dark matter. Last night we went to the U of M to their public lectures on space. It was about exoplanets - planets in other solar systems that have been discovered. We then went up on the roof to look at Jupiter and 4 of its moons. I asked the grad student giving the lecture why bettlejeuse star in the constellation Orion was red - he started to answer then Alley finished saying - it is a very old star that has become a red giant and means it will go supernova eventually. I guess I should have asked my 9 year old.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Aquila 2 and 3 Grade Conncert

Alley and Claire both performed in the 2nd and 3rd grade concert this week. Both did a great job.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Alley's birthday party

Alley's 9th birthday party at the Williston center. She had 13 girls swim and cake afterwards. She decorated flip flops for all her guests as a thank you.