Alley's Blog

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fish pond

Alley and Claire played with one of the 2nd or 3 rd cousins- Megan from Kansas- at the Grommesh reunion at the convent in Hankinson were their great aunt Alice is a nun.

They have a very nice fish pond which is also inhabited by frogs and even a salamander.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

MAAA..... MAAA.....

The neighbors at the lake had a macaw named "Pretty" - who liked to yell MAAA. I guess it learned it from the kids when they were younger. One if the first days we were there - we didn't know there was a macaw and I awoke to this MAAA screeching over and over.

Pretty was molting so Alley got an iridescent wing feather. Alley was able to get it to dance and break sticks for her.

Go jump in a lake

Daisy the cranky kitty

Alley was hoping she could catch a fish for the neighbor's cat - Daisy. Maybe she thought it was a peace offering. The cat would be really friendly one moment and then the next moment she bit Alley.


Alley enjoyed fishing with grandpa Alley - we had better luck the second day because we got some stinky lure called Gulp.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Calf Scramble

Alley participated in a calf scramble - trying to capture a flag from a calf's tail at the Hamel rodeo.

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Way to go, bjgrommesh!
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Alley in the calf scramble
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Hamel rodeo

Alley enjoyed her first rodeo

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Sandcastle city

Alley and Claire made a friend at the lake- Tessa.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Alley jumps in Maple Lake


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