Sunday, March 30, 2008
"2nd" Birthday Party
Grandpa Alley had another birthday party for Alley over Easter as he was in Arizona for her birthday in Feb. She had a Easter bunny cake that was mostly just frosting - which is all Alley eats anyways. Her cousins Breanna and Megan helped her celebrate and the next day they all hunted for Easter Eggs at Grandpa and Grandma Grommesh's house.
Easter Eggs
Believe it or not this is actually Alley's third Easter. The last two she didn't quite get but seemed to get into it this year - or least understood what Easter really means - CANDY.
We colored some Easter eggs at home and decorated some more eggs when we went to Grandpa Alley's house for the Easter weekend. The Easter bunny came four times also (aka three sets of grandparents and Mom and Dad), every time bringing lots of candy and fun things to play with.
On Easter Sunday we went to church with Grandpa Alley, she was pretty good through the service, playing with toys and eating cookies. She obviously was still paying attention though because the pastor's sermon was about how Easter is a time of renewal, especially from death - so to make his point he said "Death stinks!" and Alley said "Pee Yew Death Stinks!".
We colored some Easter eggs at home and decorated some more eggs when we went to Grandpa Alley's house for the Easter weekend. The Easter bunny came four times also (aka three sets of grandparents and Mom and Dad), every time bringing lots of candy and fun things to play with.
On Easter Sunday we went to church with Grandpa Alley, she was pretty good through the service, playing with toys and eating cookies. She obviously was still paying attention though because the pastor's sermon was about how Easter is a time of renewal, especially from death - so to make his point he said "Death stinks!" and Alley said "Pee Yew Death Stinks!".
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Apullson??? What does that mean?! Alley repeated it a million times last night as I was putting her to bed and finally got mad at me because I didn't understand her. Applesauce, a person, apple song??? - Rob figured it out somehow that she was saying "Medicine". Alley had been getting Penicillin after she cut her lip and apparently likes the taste so much that she thought she should get it every night. (by the way you can barely see that she got 4 stitches - pretty amazing)
Alley really has become the Queen Bee. She often says "Alley do it." and will sometimes drive you crazy with her demands, that unfortunately I too often give into to prevent a temper tantrum.
But she is darn cute and that is how she gets her way.
Alley really has become the Queen Bee. She often says "Alley do it." and will sometimes drive you crazy with her demands, that unfortunately I too often give into to prevent a temper tantrum.
But she is darn cute and that is how she gets her way.