Alley's Blog

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Pics

Alley had a busy Christmas. We first spent Chrsitmas Eve in Ortonville with Grandma Erlys and Grandpa Virgil. We attended church - but Alley was mostly with her Dad in the back of the church as she was throwing her pacifier at people. She had fun trying out new foods with grandma.

We then went onto Fargo (with a police stop in between). We had Christmas day at her Aunt Liz and Uncle Dan's house. She really enjoyed playing with her cousins Breanna and Megan. I know she'll be following them around some day. She practiced climbing the stairs with Grandma Helen and now have mastered going up them (not quite down).

She was very spoiled and got lot of toys, including a little red car from Helen and Charlie, Noah's Ark from Uncle Gregg, an animal See and Say from Grandma Erlys, stacker set from Grandpa Alley, and a sweet little doll from Aunt Liz - just to name a few things.

Alley's first Christmas

Alley is excited, as this is just what she wanted!

Monday, December 25, 2006

All Points Bulletin

Alley probably won't remember this because she is 10 months old and because she slept through all of it - but it was an exciting Christmas Eve. We left Ortonville, after visiting Alley's grandparents, at around 7:00 pm - right when she fell asleep for the night. We had just crossed the county border and was approaching a small town when a sheriff's vechile passed us on the highway. Rob swore, as the patrol car turned around as soon as it passed us. Rob slowed down, as he had been speeding and we held our breaths. He eventually turned on his lights and then we really started to panick. Not only was Rob speeding but we realized that we never got the front license plates on the car after we bought it recently. The license plate was even in the glove compartment and we had a screw driver - just not the right screws to place it. I started rummaging through the glove compartment because I also realized that I didn't think we had a current proof of insurance card. I was still rummaging through the glove compartment when the deputy came up - he said "This is probably the strangest stop I have ever had." I thought immediately that we were actually going to get a ticket for not having our license plates on. He then went on to say "I have a description of a vehicle from the neighboring county ---". I thought he had an Amber alert and we fit the description. I thought "this is our child, really, don't take her!" But he continued by saying that we had left our baby formula back in Ortonville. He explained that there was nothing open on the highway - so he thought we might want to turn back. We thanked him profusely and wished him a "Merry Christmas".

We couldn't beleive it! We checked our cell phones right away - but there is no coverage in this part of rural Minnesota. We then realized that not only had we forgot our formula, but we forgot all the bottles and baby food too. We decided to turn around, as even in the big metropolis of Fargo it might be hard to find all the replacements on Christmas day. So we returned to Ortonville to my anxouisly waiting mother who had called an A.P.B. on us on Christmas Eve :) And Alley slept through all of it.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Having a snack with the dog

There isn't a lot of pictures from the last few weeks - as Alley has been under the weather with a cold, mostly coughing. Her Dad has had it too - so it has been low key around the Grommesh household.

Despite this she continues to grow. She pulls herself up easily now and likes to stand at the coffee table and share cheerios with the dog. (The dog was so excited about the food that he didn't mind getting his picture taken.) She pulls herself up in the crib at night and then wimpers because she can't figure out how to get down - until we rescue her.

She is still working on talking and surprised us a few weeks ago by saying "bubbles". Her favorite word seems to be "ball" which I guess she learned from daycare as they all sit around apparently and say "ball" all day to each other.

She recently had her Grandma and Grandpa Helen and Charlie for a visit. We are all looking forward to a long visit with all her grandparents and extended family and friends over Christmas. I am sure there will be lots of new toys and pictures of Alley.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Alley is growing up

It has turned cold so Alley got a snow suit. She can barely move it and she looks pretty comical in it.

She also has grown up so fast and is starting to get into mischief. She climbed into Rumsfeld's bed one day and got his bone. She has taken to throwing things on the floor when she is done with them or doesn't want them - like her pacifier or food - expecting her lowly parents to pick it up for her.

She is all worth it though as she says MaMa a lot now and tries to say DaDa. She certainly mimics sounds and tries to repeat worlds like Duck and Ball.

She is also pulling herself up on things and the stairs - so we need to watch her more. She has already had a few bumps and a few tears.

Grandma comes to visit

Grandma Sis came to visit last week. It was a busy time - Alley had her picture taken with Santa and Christmas card pictures. She really liked Grandma who spoiled her and fed her ice cream.